Be Nothing
Be Nothing–west philly punk stalwarts Brian Nothing, Alexi Papadopoulos, and Alexei Korolev– Have a sound somewhere between The Butthole Surfers, Devo, and The Ramones. Short tight songs, deadpan lyrics, and riffs that’ll worm their way deep into your frontal lobe. Tracks like “Vincent Van Gogh” and “Battle Of The Billionaires” play out like stadium anthems while “I Am A Napkin” and “Born Again Bible Burner” drip with attitude
Frontman Brian Nothing (Urine Trouble, Beer Breakfast Dungeness Crab, Syzslak) has an unmistakable style. As soon as you hear his voice you know it can’t be anyone else. With bassist Alexi Papadopoulos (Stinking Lizaveta) and Drummer Alexei Korolev (The Company Corvette) Be Nothing epitomizes the power trio dynamic.

Frontman Brian Nothing (Urine Trouble, Beer Breakfast Dungeness Crab, Syzslak) has an unmistakable style. As soon as you hear his voice you know it can’t be anyone else. With bassist Alexi Papadopoulos (Stinking Lizaveta) and Drummer Alexei Korolev (The Company Corvette) Be Nothing epitomizes the power trio dynamic.

An accomplished painter, this album features original artwork by Brian Nothing. Recorded by Bruce Howze Jr at Red Planet Studio and mastered by James Plotkin. This album is a perfect showcase of the band’s unhinged vibrations.

“Songs like “No Hope” and “Hot Tub Gravity Bong” blur the lines between surreal, retro-leaning simplicity and sardonic wit. If you’re looking for something crunchy and 90’s friendly, but also appealing to the gnarliest of modern sensibilities, Be Nothing is the solution, with Be All the Nothing You Can Be reminding us of several things at once, but also nothing at all, and that’s an accomplishment all in itself.” – Fecking Bahamas
“Like artsy math-rock, but math-rock played by people who maybe flunked out of their algebra classes.” – Maximum RNR
“heavy and discordant rock with underlying garage rock-inspired melodic sensibility, and a whole lotta sarcasm” –Scene Point Blank
“Real fun, quirky rock’n’roll—BUTTHOLE SURFERS and ALICE DONUT are both clear influences—by a one-time member of SPAZM 151.” – MRR Year End Top Tens
“This is an enjoyably twisted take on three chord punk rock, featuring simple but highly effective Ramones-style tuneage, which is then debased by distortion and offset guitar riffs. You can hear hints of bands like (early) Butthole Surfers, Jesus Lizard and Frightwig as well as traces of Hard rock and psychedelia, whilst the vocals remind me of the late, great Randy ‘Biscuit’ Turner of the Big Boys.” – Fear And Loathing Fanzine
“Be Nothing: the peculiarity of the group is undoubtedly the ability to jump from one dimension to another ’ without losing their integrity, they succeed, that is, to maintain their personality (strong, unscratchable and, precisely for this reason, unique) without ever falling into the ’ obviousness of a ‘too little stuff in too little time ‘.” – In Your Eyes Zine