Out Now: Bungler – Glen Providence (SM056)
We are so excited to announce the release of the newest album from Bungler! Check out these gorgeous marbled cassettes!
“I made Glen Providence over the course of roughly one year. Some songs are over a decade old and I took some time to retweak them and make them into something new. The record deals a lot with loss but also perseverance through depression and trying to see the absurdity in everything.
This is getting harder to do as I get older but it is necessary to do in order to stay sane. If I didn’t make music I would probably end up being a vagrant or a normal person (which is worse in my opinion)
Music is the only healthy tool of communication I have because I hadn’t developed any other coping mechanism besides reading (which just takes my mind off the sad thoughts) or art.
Everything else seems to be overwhelming for me sometimes but I know have to strap myself to the mast and attempt to achieve something.
I think I will keep making these silly records until my mortal coil is brushed off the earth, and it’s the only way I can make some sort of mark or connection that I was here and I did something.
Anywho, I hope that if you’re reading this that you are doing ok, that you’re happy and healthy, and trying to pass that along to everyone else. I may never earn a dime doing this nonsense but at least | will be happy.” – Paul