Torschlusspanik “Intersexual Healing”

Torschlusspanik – Intersexual Healing

Tennessee’s experimental artist Torschlusspanik delivers an astonishing album of cathartic and vulnerable compositions. Strange Mono, in collaboration with fellow Philly label No Rent Records, is releasing Intersexual Healing as a deluxe double cassette on December 13th, 2022. We see this album as a vital proclamation to the world, casting light onto the overlooked and underserved intersex community.

Originated in 2013, Torschlusspanik (Luna Mitchell) is “a middle-aged Tennessee gal’s outlet for mostly unpleasant and nonrealistic music” that has been summarized as “maximalist electro-acoustic” in the past. A wide scramble of sounds are “crudely forced into sound collage and (vague) song format intended for weaponizing emotional overstimulation and mulling over lost opportunity as time is near expired”.

Luna explains ”This collection of songs has been the first, after decades of centering most of myself as a musician, that feels like it could finally be my final important work. I’ve had a nagging voice in my head telling me for an embarrassingly long time now that I’ve been expecting (or at least hoping for) some sort of euphoric therapy that will likely never come from the creation and distribution of this type of music. But each time I’ve considered deleting everything and giving up I suppose that perhaps that excitement and healing can manifest in listeners instead”. This finality can be felt in the track “open carry” in its use of percussive bells, shattering glass, and rifle shots.

Across the album on tracks like “gerascophobia”, which crescendos in a chorus of modulation blending livestock and human voice, there are a myriad of sounds reflecting the artists upbringing. “I grew up in a very small town in west Tennessee called Atwood (population 949). Incidentally, I have been living in the same house again all year, with my wife and mom. We never had a farm ourselves, but family and friends did and those left impressions on me. I remember being very young, witnessing my first birthed calves and discovering groups of piglets crushed beneath their mother during the same week-long visit with my aunt”.

Expanding on the origins of the project Luna states “I got my start as a solo musician around 2003 when I picked up two synthesizers from the Goodwill store where I worked and recorded some doodling that I thought sounded neat. Harsh noise and other “experimental” stuff had started to replace indie rock as my main interest by this point, so I wanted to start a CDR label for my solo work as well as a duo my friend and I started called ‘Beesty’. I stumbled my way through those years, forcing a path through an extremely unstable and unhappy period until I would repeatedly collapse briefly and then reemerge with some new ideas to try again under assorted names and genres. I moved to South Carolina for 2008 and fell into extreme reclusion for over 5 years, and then Torschlusspanik started out as yet another one of those self-destructive attempts until gradually learning how to better exploit my strengths, predict my weaknesses, and hone in on the aspects of art that I had been longing for this entire time.”

The albums namesake, and heart piercing final track, “intersexual healing” forces the listener into a confrontation. The crib sounds and the delicate melody of a music box juxtaposed with grinding, metallic, scapes illustrates the complexities of internal conflict. “My process for this album began with finding hundreds of sample sources that I felt sounded good together, nothing more. I used to place more value on creating the majority of my own samples, but I wanted to relax that standard.  Most tracks have no additional recordings from myself included this time around. As I began to manipulate and “play” these samples together, forming the earliest demos in late 2021, I realized what kind of narrative and emotional portrait I ultimately hoped to create. It’s a little over a year later and I don’t think there’s anything left but to see whether others feel as strongly about these songs as I do.”
Proceeds from our release of “Intersexual Healing” benefit interACT. InterACT uses innovative legal strategies to advocate for the human rights of children born with intersex traits. Fostering youth advocates and raising awareness via media, the team works to end non consensual surgeries on intersex children.

Out Now November Batch

Out Now November Batch

Our November batch is now live!
We are so proud and excited about this batch. Every one of these releases is a stunning piece of art musically, visually, and spiritually.
Show some love for your community and support the noise!!

QUAGGA – 77.7FM “The Spirit”
$10 proceeds
Quagga Is the solitary home recordings of multi-disciplinary artist, Joshua Mackie (Gunk, Dark Mtns, Sun Organ, Idiot Forever, Prince of Yeti Mantra, Dub Sum Tapes, Ice Wizard Clone). Josh makes (mostly) lo fi recordings of whatever comes to his mind. No singular genre necessary.

Josh describes 77.7 FM “The Spirit” as “a fun way for me to abstractly describe my process.” and “Making whatever comes to me at that time and seeing the idea all the way through. Every time I sit down to make music I record something and 95% of those recordings I release or intend on releasing. Sort of like how a DJ decides to play the next song they think fits in with their set and vibe.”. Josh further explains the creation process as “just intuitive and it’s very honest. I’m showing my strengths and my weaknesses. And just like a DJ’s set on the radio you might love one song but hate the next, but there is something in there for anyone who’s open to it.”

Proceeds from this album are being donated to Prevention Point Philadelphia to aid their mission To
promote health, empowerment and safety for communities affected by drug use and poverty.

IDIOT FOREVER – Doom Saloon Live Jam
$8 proceeds
“What a poor wretch man is. Fortunately he doesn’t know it. If he did what a poor wretch he’d be!” – Max Pallenburg

There are so many components that drive the desire to create. Recognition, validation, catharsis, expression. All of these forces are relatable and positive in their own way. But what about destruction? The impulse to mangle, the drive to obliterate. To deconstruct an idea and force a void, where chaos and randomness serves as the creator, and we participate as an onlooker to our own design restructured by destruction.

The homonyms raised and razed are especially interesting to me. They reflect in no uncertain terms the duality of human society. Are we meant to be building or destroying?

Freedom has consequences. One of those consequences is Idiot Forever. Four absolute musical maniacs recorded live in 2018. Screeching tape mechanisms, churning brutal feedback, and allegedly guitar and drums. Grease up your deep listening skills and dive into Idiot Forever – Doom Saloon Live Jam. A worthy record of the band’s frantic improvised performances which consisted of a rotating line-up performing, on the spot, impromptu, psycho-free-punk.

Jeff Unfortunately- Cries
$8 proceeds
Fifteen tracks from experimental songwriter / guitarist Jeff Gallagher. These intimate Lo-fi compositions draw on inspirations from Jeff’s relationships, struggles, and Franz Kafka. Featuring saccharine splendor on the instrumental track “Two Sick Fucks”. Cries pushes Jeff’s songwriting into new territories of vulnerability while remaining grounded in his unique and one of a kind style. As a whole the album illustrates a complex and at times profound insight into the world of Jeff Unfortunately and his home life in Massachusetts.

“Jeff is great, and really confounding to some, But he is really like a zen blues player. Only mercurial in that way but there are so many facets to him and his arts – he is unrelenting” – Troy Curry

Grey0 – Selected Ambien Twerks
$8 Benefits community support
grey0 is the electronic solo project of Eric Anderson. Using a modular synth and sampler in tandem, they reach for timbres and phrases that hope to induce a positive trance. A constant process of learning and unlearning. Here/now/this is paramount.

Through the endless search for new music and underground scenes, Eric found Philly record label Strange Mono, and is honored that they are interested in releasing music of his.

“Selected Ambien Twerks- vol 11” is giving extended Campfire Headphase jam on Side A, and Basinski 101 on Side B.

Proceeds from this album are being donated to help The Holmes & Wilkins rebuild their west Philadelphia family home after they lost everything in a tragic fire on October 11th

What we are listening to…


Wraith / Black Knife / Graveripper / Unholy Night Faster Than The Fucking Devil
Wise Blood Records

Pissed Happy ChildrenPissed Playground
New Beginning Records

Vile Execution Waste & Rot
Bent Window Records

Koreltsak / Abyzou from forests of corpses and thorned cedars split
Jem’s Label

45 Grave Sleep In Safety

Burt Bacharach  Thermonuclear Needle 
Self Release / Not On Label

VA Thrash Til Death
Selfish Records

Headcleaners Disinfection
1000 DB

Impetigo Horror Of The Zombies
Wild Rags Records

Obituary Cause Of Death (Re-Issue)
Relapse / Gibtown

Dan T

Shorty Fresh Breath EP
Skin Graft

TFFNI – Untitled
Self Release / Not On Label

Misery Engine Dark Winter
No Rent

Support Unit Illegalist
Trashfuck Records

Mobdividual Nostalgia
Obscure Melody

Toshi Kasai Based On True Stories
Joyful Noise

Arcane Earth Reboot Mercy For the Soil
Big Tobacco Records

Šimanský NiesnerV​š​echno Dobré
Stoned To Death

Wax Pets I Said Be Mine
Space Foundation / Self-Release

Dismal Chant Rotting Heavens
Declassified Affairs

Webb Chapel Reviews 5 Classic Metal Albums

Zach Claxton of Webb Chapel

During the course of my conversation with Webb Chapel’s Zack Claxton a few weeks ago, It became apparent to me that, while Zack has a deep knowledge and appreciation of music culture and history, there was one genre where he was almost entirely oblivious. Metal. I took this opportunity to send 5 essential Metal albums to Zack, and asked him to share his thoughts and first impressions on how these albums made him feel. Zack dove in headfirst and absolutely crushed the assignment.

Bolt Thrower – Realm Of Chaos

I think this would be a fun album to listen to while playing doom.  It feels kind of like first person shootery.  Or maybe like the dudes in charge of the chainsaws at a haunted house who live nearby in sheds and make music on the weekends.  Or in the off season.  One of them smokes clove cigarettes for some reason.  And they have a burnt mattress in the backyard from ten years ago when things were getting a little out of hand.  the lead singer knows an impressive amount of French history.  His father was from France and he wants to visit but never has.  There’s a lot of French history buried in the lyrics.  And a work shed full of chainsaws.  They collect broken down chainsaws and paint different kinds of ghouls all over them.  They look amazing.  The lead singer painted the battle of Waterloo on one of them.  It’s impeccable in detail.  Sometimes if you look at it at night you can swear the horses are breathing.  Being in a chainsaw shed at night and trying to analyze the imagery inlaid in the saws is a tricky undertaking.   You want to turn them all on but you also don’t want to call attention to yourself.  Not sure how you would talk your way out of it if the cops came.  Which they never do but there’s a first time for everything.  Do you explain to the cops that you were trying to make the horses move or do you just grab your favorite 5 chainsaws and see what happens? 

“I may get blown away tonight but I swear one of you guys has a date with Napoleon.” 
“Speak up we can’t hear you over the saws”
“Something about linoleum?”
“You can stop yelling now the saws are long gone”
“Well I’ll be damned.  How’d you do that?”
“I assure you it was far easier than getting over Josephine.”
“I thought you’d never ask.  Yes, it is me.  I disguised myself as 4 policemen.  Your saw art summoned me here.  I had to test your decency in offering me a snack.  You passed with flying colors.  Now I will teach you everything I know.”

They walk arm in arm and disappear into a thicket.  The saws spin a lovely kind of low mourning tone as we lose sight of them.  Never to be seen again.

Hellhammer – Apocalyptic Raids EP

I appreciate this as being chord based metal. Very sabathy, lots of bar chords.  A welcome surprise, you could change this guys voice out with the singer from the cardigans and it would still sound the same.  Triumph of death as a track almost falls over into “just goofin” territory.  I think he’s reenacting getting eaten by a bear or something.  All to the sound of daddy’s first v guitar style riffage.  Very clunky but also inspired at certain moments.  We based our sound off drinking an empty beer with a cigarette butt in it.  Wow triumph of death just keeps going.  I feel like they were burning the midnight oil on this one and listened to it the next day and were just impressed that it was in any way coherent.  Call Jim Henson we got a new muppet act.  There was an ad for voting by mail right after that song.  Hey asshole, when you’re done excavating your great uncle’s metal archive would you mind giving a shit?

Corrupted – La victema es tu mismo 7″

This convinces you that you don’t have much longer to live.  In kind of a heinous way.  Like with unfinished business and your grave is next to a highway and under a billboard for a vasectomy reversal.  When even the people you met’s great grandchildren are long gone.  Yet still a cavernous face that dares you to challenge it 700 years later.  Or one day.  Am I smiling with you or at you?  All potential lifespans like different mismatched socks in a drawer at the bottom of the ocean.  Even if you find it you won’t be able to get it open.    And if you somehow cracked it open the socks are going to be frayed and full of holes and soaked through.  You bought 4000 dollars worth of scuba gear for this?  

You build a perfect life for yourself and 2 miles away someone is serving a life sentence for something they didn’t do.  Yet you still “find joy in the little things”

King Diamond – Abigail

What an unwelcome catapult back to reality.  Now I’m just kind of watching a b movie or something.  I can see Eastern Europe tearing the stadium down to this though.  I would like to bungee jump over a crowd listening to this in a big stadium.  You can’t deny the chops I suppose.  Yeah I’d like to give this guy a KARATE chop ya know?  Sometimes you just buy fireworks and set them off.  It’s not the same as being in a battle but some of the energy is comparable.  Or like a castlevania game for playstation that they just couldn’t get right.  The avatars all look the same and its full of glitches and you can’t save but the castle looks kind of cool and the cut scenes are at least kind of funny.  

Side note:  its undeniable that ‘the 7th day of July, 1777’ is one of the best songs about the Battle of Humbardton ever written

Cathedral – The Ethereal Mirror

Ok I’ve listened to five metal albums back to back and I’m not gonna lie my ears are kind of played out.  I think this one has my favorite cover.  It looks like a design draft for Shrek by someone who was immediately fired.  Why not a Shrek spinoff just called Donkey?  I want to know donkey’s back story.  His lineage dating back to the dark ages.  It would be exhausting in nature without a shred of humor.

I think this guy and Lemmy could arm wrestle and leave the table with a new found respect for each other.   He just said “Ooh yeah” like the koolaid man.  Are you allowed to say ooh yeah in metal?  That seems like immediate disqualification.  I think this and king diamond could be a great 2 band bill.  

I’d like to go into a motorcycle shop and see this album cover on the door to the bathroom.  Then you open the door and everything’s motorcycle themed.  The stall is a big tire that you piss into.  When you turn on the hot water it makes a revving sound.  The mirror does that thing like at the haunted mansion at Disney world where it looks like there’s a biker next to you riding a motorcycle.  You ask an employee if he liked that scene in Pee Wee where he dances to Tequila and the employee punches you in the face.  He breaks his hand and everybody respects you now.  It was your version of Tequila.  They all give you their keys at the same time and you say “What do you think I am, made out of pockets?”  A local TV executive does a spit take and leaves abruptly.  2 months later you’re watching tv and there’s an ad for a show called “What do you think I am, made out of pockets?”  It’s basically Tim Allen being handed an excessive amount of things over the course of an hour, prompting him to keep repeating the catchphrase over and over and over.  It catches like wildfire and all the political candidates pick it up too.  It’s a global phenomenon. You feel utterly ripped off but you’re at least content with the fact that you added to the cultural lexicon.



The day has finally come the fully remastered EP by Worshiper is finally available to stream, buy, share, or steal!!

Worshiper had a huge influence on our scene and we are so glad that Mikes music is finally out there for all to feel!

We couldn’t have done this without the support of everyone who tuned in/showed up for Mike!
So today buy a crossword or a Modelo, blast Worshiper at your desk, your bedroom, or in your car and think about how Mike would have been squirming knowing all of you were listening to his “little band”


What we are listening to…

Every month we collect what everyone’s been listening to around the office. We want to share with you the finest selection of new and not so new albums from around the underground. Hopefully one day you, yourself, can be a respected cultivator of sound like us.



9 Questions with Webb Chapel

Strangemonorecords · Webb Chapel – 9 Questions Interview

“Every man has inside himself a parasitic being who is acting not at all to his advantage.” -William S. Burroughs

I think about this Burroughs quote a lot. I always miss-remember or simplify it to “There’s a little man in all of us, trying to kill us”. Neurosis or self-doubt for sure, addiction of course. But I think this instinct is present at birth. I think that we are all driven to destroy ourselves in some way, its just how that drive manifests that’s important. Some people are able to harness that motivation and channel it into positivity, while others remain under its thumb. The homonyms raised and razed are especially interesting to me. They reflect in no uncertain terms the duality of human society. Are we meant to be building or destroying?

I invited Zack (Webb Chapel) over to eat some noodles and sit down in my basement to talk like minded people, enjoying the process, being shoe-horned, and being purposely evasive. Zack is one of the most emotionally articulate people that I have met in a long time. I think that fact is pretty apparent in his music, maybe not at first, but once you dive underneath the surface level; and listen with intent, the music becomes a portrait of inner reconciliation. Understated at times for sure, sometimes the message may be obscured , or it may take a few listens to grasp, but well worth the effort. Zack’s music is a puzzle for the ears. Earnest melodies and an intimate, sometimes uneasy, feeling. It’s my opinion that Webb Chapel is a whole-hearted endeavor that is so worthy and deserving of your time. 

Following the dissolution of Austin-based experimental band Beth Israel, Claxton began drawing in the margins, putting down sketches of ideas and song fragments that would eventually become the basis for Webb Chapel’s first two releases, Moverama and Like the Country. “I like the idea of dismantling songs as you’re listening to them. Sort of taking them apart and putting them back together.” When the lens focuses, however, you get a sense that this record comes from an altogether intentional, yet eerily chaotic time and place. As Claxton explains, “I’m kind of never in the same place for very long.” Dalmatians is a testament to the beauty in uncertainty. 

Webb Chapel‘s Dalmatians is available 9/16/22 on Strange Mono.

All proceeds from this album are being donated to Prevention Point to aid their mission of Harm Reduction and community support in the Philadelphia area.

Hana Sands – Webb Chapel || Video By Vince Alvare

Nyxy Nyx – Thee 3rd Album

Nyxy Nyx – Thee 3rd Album

Nyxy Nyx songwriter Brian Reichart has a devoted following in the Philadelphia underground, and for good reason. Nyxy Nyx’s blend of lush textures, fuzzy guitars, subdued vocal delivery, and poignant subject matter make it easy to understand how they secured such cult status over the years. 

Nyxy Nyx performing live

Strange Mono is beyond excited to be releasing Thee 3rd Album. 21 tracks of emotionally charged beauty. Songs like I could write a luv song and salomé have distinct pop sensibilities, while songs like hooves and can u even be seen ? expand the darker side of Nyxy Nyx. Across the board Brian’s songwriting is so subversive and heartfelt like a smiling face, with strained eyes, holding back tears.

As with all Strange Mono releases, proceeds from this album are being donated to the artists choice of charity. For this Album Nyxy Nyx chose Prevention Point whose mission is to promote health, empowerment and safety for communities affected by drug use and poverty.

Check it out

Worshiper 9 Questions

“How do we know this is everything, just because we can’t think of anything else?” –RA Lafferty

The concept of a Brain-Weave was explained to me as “the collected unconscious of a group of people, in variable states of sensory arousal, connecting and in that connection a new reality blossoms”. A psychiatrist might call this “Folie à deux” or “mass hysteria”. 

While I agree that in some instances the negative connotations of this diagnosis is warranted, I differ in interpreting the Brain-Weave as wholly negative. Are not the members of any given punk band intertwined in a Brain-Weave of sorts? Does their passion for the subject of their songs, and the visceral sensory experience of blaring drums and amplifiers not produce the arousal needed? Does the hypnotic act of rehearsing and performing as a collective not hint at the subconscious connection? 

To the Brain-Weave there is no difference between the sporadic improvised movements of a Jazz ensemble and the rigidly rehearsed pop of any top 40 artist. The connection exists in a state uncontrolled by us. Sure we can feed it and try to mold the circumstances to be advantageous for producing the weave but In the end it’s not ours to choose. We can no more choose to participate in the weave than we can choose to participate in the beating of our hearts. 

When I lost my friend Mike last year I could tangibly see the effects of his absence in my life. I could see the box with his ashes, I could read all the nice things everyone had to say about him. I could commiserate with buds about him never playing his guitar again or fixing that amplifier or microphone. But I couldn’t feel that he was gone. I could not feel that he was no longer a part of my life. Mike and I had a complicated relationship but I know our friendship is alive because unlike an animal the Brain-Weave can never die.

During the mid 2000’s Worshiper was quickly gaining a reputation as one of Philly’s loudest bands in the underground scene. Worshiper, made up of lifelong friends Mike Parry, Curt Howard, and Benji Davis, had a tumultuous few years; self-releasing their debut To Binge And Purge In LA and embarking on their first and only tour with Boston’s Bad History Month. Though they had a rowdy and devoted cult following, their first release never quite received the accolades it deserved. That being said, they carved out their place in Philly history with their intense live performances and heavy raw sound. They disbanded soon after in part due to songwriter and frontman Mike Parry’s battle with opioid addiction. On June 16th 2021, after years of progress, Mike relapsed and sadly lost his life. The impact of his death permeated the music scene leaving many friends and fans stunned. 

Strange Mono has been working with Curt and Benji to try and breathe a second wind into the criminally underrated album that Worshiper produced in 2010. We are announcing a reissue of this tape and are donating 100% of the proceeds to benefit Prevention Point in their mission of harm reduction in the city of Philadelphia. 

Recorded at Philly’s legendary Sex Dungeon Studios in one afternoon, Worshiper is sludgy post-hardcore at its pinnacle. This fully remastered cassette reissue features a previously unreleased song and includes the original recordings as well. We hope that this release can raise awareness about one of Philly’s best bands and help

Check out this full interview with Worshiper. We talk about the past, Faux Fetus Collective, dumb cops, trauma responses, pigs blood, and top 5 metal bands.

Benefit For Abortion Funds Compilation Out Now!

BLIGHT X STRANGEMONO -Benefit for abortion funds comp

This comp is such a ripper huge thanks to all the amazing artists that helped and contributed songs!! We all know how worthy this cause is!

Downloads for the individual tracks available from Blight Records tape is up on our Bigcartel and available through Bandcamp

All proceeds benefit The National Network for Abortion Funds:

The National Network of Abortion Funds builds power with members to remove financial and logistical barriers to abortion access by centering people who have abortions and organizing at the intersections of racial, economic, and reproductive justice.

Artist Socials:

















